**Specialised multi-day horse riding adventures for experienced (intermediate to advanced) horse riders.

Horse Rider Reviews - Southern Cross Horse Treks (Kerewong) NSW Australia

Read reviews and rider comments about Southern Cross Horse Treks, the trail riding horses and the experiences and stories guests share about their horse riding holiday tours & treks NSW Australia.

Rider Testimonials

Horse Riding Reviews and Articles Horse Riding Review Details

Perfect Arabian Horses

Thank you for your perfect Arabian horses- they are so awesome, beautiful, clever, wonderful!

Beautiful Arabian Trekking Horses - Kerewong Australia
L.G. & M.V.
New Caledonia
Kerewong Guestbook

An Impressive Mob Of Horses

A wonderful week of fabulous horses, beautiful countryside, wonderful food and time to spend not thinking about work! You have been a great guide and companion in all this and of course - most importantly- the horses are the most impressive "mob" I have come across. We look forward to coming back!

Australian Horse Herd Paddock NSW
J.M., C.B. & V.L.
Kerewong Guestbook

A Place With Exciting Horses To Ride

I wish I had another week of trail rides and picnics. I was so glad to find a place with exciting horses to ride. Charlie was certainly a handful on the first day so I knew I wouldn't be bored. Charlie, Ness and Manni were all great and such hardy little workers. The scenery was also fantastic and I can't think of a better location for exploring the beautiful country that Australia has to offer. Also thank you for all the lovely picnics and beautiful meals that spoiled us every day.  The food was fantastic and the company even better. Thank you to you and the horses! 

Kerewong Guestbook

Unforgettable Experience In Paradise

A memorable and wonderful, amazing week: a warm welcome, your attention to detail, your horses, your house, your meals.
I loved every minute in your paradise and hope to return again.
I am leaving with a purely positive and unforgettable experience.

Kerewong Guestbook

Tour d' Australia On Spirited Forward Horses

Thank you for this amazing and cleverly composed Tour d' Australia in 9 days on spirited forward horses with nice food and in a very family atmosphere!

Horse Ride In Remote Aussie Bush Landscape
Dorothee R.
Kerewong Guestbook

Lifetime Dream Fulfilled

You really have created Paradise here. The spectacular setting, the exotic birdsong in the morning, the wallabies hopping around the garden, the love and attention you put in for your guests, your love for your horses, all that makes the "Kerewong experience" so special. The riding was wonderful- how exciting to fulfill a lifetime dream to gallop along the beach! Manni is my favourite allthough they are all great. Thank you so much for a wonderful week! 

Australian Wildlife - Wallaby In Horse Farm Paddocks
Kerewong Guestbook

Ein Herzliches Wilkommen

Noch niemals habe ich mich in Reiterferien so herzlich willkommen gefühlt - und das in einer der schönsten Landschaften die mann sich vorstellen kann. Obendrein ist es ein gutes Gefühl zu wissen das die Pferdchen genauso gut versorgt werden wie wir Gäste und da liegt die Messlatte wirklich hoch! Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit und werde wieder kommen! 

Kerewong Guestbook

Such Obliging Horses And Great Host

Thank you for a wonderful few days in your beautiful retreat. It's such a delight to discover a lovely place to escape with such obliging horses and great host. Your attention to detail is exceptional and really makes a difference. I loved riding Aliya and Kamal and I will come back again for future adventures soon.  

Kerewong Guestbook

The Ultimate Horse Trekking Holiday

Third time trying I've finally found the ultimate horse trekking holiday! Its been an exhilarating week of riding - tremendous fun but also an opportunity to extend myself and learn so much more! I'll miss Jambo dog, Aliya and especially Ness. It was fantastic to ride such happy, enthusiastic and well-loved horses.   

Horse Riding Port Macquarie Hinterland Comboyne NSW
Emily G.
Kerewong Guestbook

Most Enjoyable Holiday

Thank you for an amazing week of riding - Ness and Copper were the perfect mounts for us! Your hospitality and cooking were great! The location is fabulous, so peaceful relaxing and beautiful. The beach ride has to be one of the best days riding we've ever had - galloping along a deserted beach on Charlie was breathtaking! Your hospitality made the week fun, relaxing and one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had!

Yasmin & Helen
Kent & London
Kerewong Guestbook

An Experience We Will Treasure

Thank you very much for making our riding holiday experience exploring beautiful Australia everything we'd hoped it would be and more! You spoiled all of us for the future!  The horses-especially Aliya & Charly - were great fun and have given us renewed appreciation for arabians. It was truly an experience we will treasure for our lifetime.  

L.T. & T.M.
Kerewong Guestbook

Riding Endurance Horses In Australia

Thank you for a wonderful week. Your horses are so well mannered and enjoyed being on the trail as much as we did! It was a great experience for me to ride endurance horses from Australia who also have a personality of their own. You have made my holiday very special and I hope to return to Australia someday.  

Kerewong Guestbook

Highlight Of Our Australia Trip

Die Woche bei Southern Cross Horse Treks war das Highlight unseres Australien Trips. Schade das für uns die Anreise so weit ist.

Michael & Elke
Kerewong Guestbook

This One Surpassed Our Expectations

Thank you for a delightful week! Great horses, accommodation and food - the best we have ever experienced on any of our rides. We have done many riding holidays around the world and this one surpassed our expectations. It's wonderful to see how much you care about your horses and they truly were a delight to ride and be around. Thanks for taking such good care of us, for the humour, excellent meals and fun and relaxing atmosphere.

B.H., A.P. & J.H.
Kerewong Guestbook

Ein Erlebnis Am Anderen Ende Der Welt

Es war eine wundervolle Woche: tolle, schnelle, verlässliche Pferde, die wie Bergziegen die Berge hochgeklettert sind. Besonders viel Spass hatte ich mit Aliya wenn sie ins Wasser geplantscht hat. Und Kiya ist die Berge hinauf geflogen- einfach ein Erlebnis. Kathy ist eine super Koechin und prima Gastgeberin. Wir haben uns hier am anderen Ende der Welt sehr wohl gefuehlt. Danke fuer die Zeit die viel zu schnell vergangen ist.

H.G. & C.S.
Kerewong Guestbook

The Riding Was Amazing

Thank you for such a wonderful holiday. The horses  and the riding was amazing. I feel rested and relaxed and have enjoyed your company. You made me feel so welcome. Kathy you have such a wonderful business which brings so much pleasure and enjoyment into peoples lives, I'm sure it will continue to be a success. 

United Kingdom
Kerewong Guestbook

Impeccable Hospitality And Horsemanship

Thank you for a wonderful week, full of spectacular nature, absolutely great horses plus impeccable hospitality and horsemanship. I will recommend this adventure to anyone interested.

Horse Riding Port Macquarie Hinterland Comboyne NSW
Kerewong Guestbook

Ein Stück Vom Paradies

Schon als ich 2004 zum ersten Mal oben an der Strasse um die Kurve kam hatte ich das Gefühl das Plätzchen hier ist ein Stück vom Paradies! Dieses Gefühl hat mich auch 2007 keine Sekunde verlassen. Danke fuer alles, auch Kamal, Kiya und Aliya!!

Horse Riding Port Macquarie Beaches NSW - Horse Treks Australia
Kerewong Guestbook

Unvergessliche Woche

Es wird eine immer unvergessliche Woche bleiben! Ganz vielen lieben Dank fuer alles!

Australia & Zwitserland
Kerewong Guestbook

Brilliant Horse Riding

Thank you for a great week of riding. The rides were all fantastic. The cabin and the food were beautiful and the scenery and wildlife was the bonus on top of the brilliant horse riding. Can recommend you and your lovely horses to any good riders out there.

United Kingdom
Kerewong Guestbook

Fleissige Pferde Und Australische Natur

Vielen Dank für eine sehr schöne Woche in Australien! So mag ich die Pferde: fleißig, lebhaft und trotzdem sehr artig und trotz eines hohen Galopptempos immer gut zu halten. Ein junges Pferd am Strand nur mir Halfter zu reiten ist schon ein tolles Erlebnis. Dazu noch die Australische Natur mit Kängurus, Koala's, Papageien und eine gute Versorgung - das macht eine wunderschöne Reitwoche aus. Das war bestimmt nicht das letzte mal das ich hier war!

Kerewong Guestbook

Pferde Mit Kraft, Ausdauer, Eleganz Und Charakter!

Diese unvergessliche Woche was gespickt mit tollen Ausritten, gutem Essen, koestlichen Weinen und unterhaltsamen Gesprächen. Unsere Herzen haben wir an Charlie und Ness verloren und galoppieren zu hause wird einfach nicht mehr dasselbe sein. Wir sind einfach begeistert von Deinen Pferden, Ihre Kraft, Ausdauer und Eleganz, sowie Ihre eigenwilligen Charakteren. Grossen Respekt von uns beiden und mach weiter so! Vielen. vielen Dank fuer diese grossartige Woche!

Christina & Patricia
Germany & Switzerland
Kerewong Guestbook

Positive Environment With Well Trained Horses

It is easy to see why you have such a wonderful little business...you love what you do and your hospitality is overwhelming. It was so easy and fun to ride in such a positive environment with such well trained horses. I'm sorry this ride was so short, but I will definitely be back for more!

Kerewong Guestbook

Add YOUR Rider Review Here

If you have been riding with Southern Cross Horse Treks (Kerewong) and would like to share your experiences and stories about your horse riding holiday, please add your review by filling out the rider review form below.

It will not be published straight away, but will appear on the website as soon as it is approved by management.

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Southern Cross Horse Treks Rider Reviews
New South Wales


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